Synergiz hosts the Mixed Reality Day at its office in Saint-Malo for the ecosystem in Brittany

On Thursday, May 16, Synergiz’s premises were abuzz with an event full of meetings, demos, exchanges, and good cheer with our first Mixed Reality Day.

Led and accompanied by Fabrice Barbin, founder and CEO of Synergiz, the teams had the honor of welcoming mainly Breton stakeholders from Saint-Malo, Rennes, and beyond for moments of quality sharing.

  • Discovering the Apple Vision Pro
  • Visualizing complex data
  • Guidance procedures
  • Interactive meetings with Microsoft Mesh
  • Remote assistance for employees
  • Collaborative training
  • Reliving old Saint-Malo
  • The fun Lego application
  • 3D virtual tours
  • Event mapping display

These workshops were conducted with our collaborative software solution, Synergiz Harbor, on multiple devices, meaning it is available on Microsoft HoloLens, Magic Leap 2, Meta Quest headsets, as well as with Microsoft Guides, Remote Assist, Microsoft Mesh, Matterport, and numerous custom applications.

The objectives of this event were multiple:

  • To show, demonstrate, and remind of our expertise in Mixed Reality, as well as in custom development and XR support
  • To meet new partners and enrich our existing relationships
  • To strengthen the local network and anchor in the Malouin territory

Join us for the next Mixed Reality Day

Want to participate in our upcoming workshops? Don’t miss our news.